PERHAPS: The Campaign
For nearly 100 years, God has been moving through AOC. Together, generation upon generation, we work together to accomplish the Great Commission and help others to meet, know, and follow Jesus. We are simply about Jesus.
THE VISION ENTRUSTED TO US: God is Doing a New Thing Here and Now
We are called to be a movement that sees Austin, Texas saturated with the gospel by developing disciplers so that the emerging generations will be captivated by Jesus. Our physical space is more than just a building; it is a sacred space where memories are made, relationships are forged, and lives are transformed. God is bringing us more families with children and expanding our multi-generational makeup. He is leading us into the next chapter to see this vision become a reality. We believe God is leading us to:

- Steward the Resources He’s Provided
- Reallocating our abundant square footage will significantly reduce the strain of facility expenses on our budget and allow appropriate funds to be directed to ministries, rather than excessive costs of upkeep.
- Redesigning our outdated children’s ministry space will provide a modern and engaging environment to captivate children and unite young families.
- Utilize our Facility to Create Generational Connections
- At AOC, we value the wisdom of our previous generations. Redesigning our sanctuary building will put all generations under one roof and create an interactive environment for multi-generational fellowship.
- Redesigning our entrance will create a focal point for hospitality and welcoming visitors.
- Utilize Our Facility to Intentionally Invest Into the Emerging Generations
- Every generation at AOC is responsible for guiding the next generation to meet, know, and follow Jesus. Bringing our children under that same roof as our other generations will foster intentional multi-generational discipleship.
- Utilize Our Facility to Partner with Other Ministries
- Repurposing our children’s and administration buildings for outside ministries and nonprofits will help offset our facility expenses and magnify the reach of our collective mission.

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, Do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
-Isaiah 43:19
-Isaiah 43:19

Raising $15 million between April 1, 2024—April 1, 2027, will accomplish the above objectives and advance our discipleship mission. Together, we are not just remodeling a building; we are stewarding a legacy. You are invited to be part of a move of God to impact tomorrow, today. Prayerfully consider what God is calling you to bring.
to Make a Pledge:
For instructions on how to make a pledge and set up giving online, you can download a .pdf HERE or you can check out the video right.
For more information on ways to give, through check, cash, or non-cash donations (stocks, securities, or properties), please connect with our financial team.
(Teresa Anthony - teresa.anthony@austinoakschurch.org)
For instructions on how to make a pledge and set up giving online, you can download a .pdf HERE or you can check out the video right.
For more information on ways to give, through check, cash, or non-cash donations (stocks, securities, or properties), please connect with our financial team.
(Teresa Anthony - teresa.anthony@austinoakschurch.org)
Details About Pledges / Giving:
We are asking for the pledges to be the 3-year total given specifically to the campaign and is in addition to / separate from your regular (tithes / offerings) giving.
Once you begin giving your campaign gifts, you will give to a separate fund from the AOC General Fund. Your regular giving (tithes / offerings) will go to the General Fund. Your campaign pledge / gifts will go to the Perhaps 24-27 Fund. This will show up as separate transactions in your statements.
We are asking for the pledges to be the 3-year total given specifically to the campaign and is in addition to / separate from your regular (tithes / offerings) giving.
Once you begin giving your campaign gifts, you will give to a separate fund from the AOC General Fund. Your regular giving (tithes / offerings) will go to the General Fund. Your campaign pledge / gifts will go to the Perhaps 24-27 Fund. This will show up as separate transactions in your statements.
FRequently Asked questions: